Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

new photo diary

something that i am using to keep a little photo diary, i am just shooting everyday stuff i see about, i am finding it really enjoyable! its nice to look back at a collection of images that really reflect my life and what i'm up to!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Photoshoot for Aisha Green

I did a shoot today for fashion studies student Aisha Green - in the vintage book shop in winton. it was really amazing to be able to shoot there, as it has been a little favorite location of mine for a while. its like a museum so full of books and history. Here are a few sneak previews of the day, I shot so much its going to take a while to edit, but thats a nice relaxing part i find and it was good to work with Aisha as she really knew what she wanted from the shoot and that is always helpful for me as i am still learning in that department.